Case Study
I feel really good when...
Strengthening youth mental health in Murihiku Southland
We help organisations and communities bridge the gap between organisational aspirations and real-life challenges. Through partnerships we work with communities on the things that matter to them. Whether it’s climate resilience, housing, wellbeing or data — we go where the need is.
Our team has many tools and approaches for facilitating conversations with affected communities. Our aim is to collaborate with organisations and communities to understand and design how best to incorporate the views, insights and experiences of those most affected by the tools, services or policies being developed.
Strengthening youth mental health in Murihiku Southland
Understanding how we might create an Internet that benefits
Raising dialogue about the value of social housing amongst the wider Wellington community
Creating a bright future with Invercargill’s young people
Earthquake-prone countries are exploring how Earthquake Early Warning systems might be developed and implemented to mitigate risk
Designed for and with rangatahi and their whānau — that encourages and guides dreaming big
Understanding the trust required to harness the full societal benefits of digital and data-driven technologies
What New Zealand people expect from guidelines for data use and sharing
Improving interactions with government services for New Zealanders over the age of 65
Exploring potential solutions to improve Massey University’s purchase-to-pay process
A radically new approach to assist in the public re-imagining of Masterton's town centre
Simulating a natural disaster to explore creative resilience
Creating a bright future with Invercargill’s young people
Creating a bright future with Invercargill’s young people
Creating a bright future with Invercargill’s young people
College of Creative Arts
Massey University
Wallace Street
Wellington 6021
New Zealand
Toi Āria is a university research centre delivering positive social change through effective community engagement projects.